Friday, August 22

Bhook lagi hai khaana do!!

So its been food on my mind for quite a while now.. the tiffin that we get at night is totally ram bharose... it might be good, it might be bad... it might be something u like that is cooked disastrously or it might be something u don't like cooked very well! All in all... you eat what you get and you like it when you are hungry!!
So here goes something to get your taste buds watering, check out your region and see the speciality! Add up something if you want!!


Harry Jerry said...

Ah its making me feel hungry...! :P

Gaurav said...

bhooke logo tumhe kuch nahi milega tum ishi kabil ho...if u want that u became a engineer that u have to handle it........and agar kuch banana chate ho toh ye dekh lo or recipe pad ke kuch bena lena......

Harry Jerry said...

@Gaurav: Saley ghantu! :P

natasha said...

hey guys...shall v assume it 2 b "the war of the blogs"!!!!

Unknown said...

"bhooke(bhookhe) logo(logon) tumhe kuch nahi milega tum ishi(issi) kabil ho...if u want that u became(if u want to become) a(an) engineer that(then) u have to handle it........and agar kuch banana chate(chahte) ho toh ye dekh lo or(aur) recipe pad ke kuch bena(bana) lena...... "

Gorav mate , u Rock !! i get to practice simulated CAT tests , just by correcting ur entries ....n dude , please dun publicize this gupchutp thing ... can't even think of editing an ENTIRE BLOG written by U ,all BY URSELF !

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