Saturday, August 16

Living out, Two weeks in faridabad

Two weeks in Faridabad! Two weeks of a true bachelor life, two weeks of household chores (usually done with a lot of cribbing)... TWO WEEKS OF FREEDOM!

So, finally i shift base to a rented room in faridabad.. along with harry, my roomie. Both frustrated with living with grandparents, both yearning for bachelorhood, both wanting freedom in the true sense and both wanting a 24 X 7 net connection.. umm... the last thing is the first of the problems we've faced in the town.. the airtel services are at par with BSNL's... 2 weeks on and we're still waiting to be able to go online at our room!

First day in and we settle down, not having any idea of what we'd be requiring or wanting for the days to come. First morning and we realise there's no mirror in the house (not even a glossy reflecting surface), and harry has to tie his turban. So being in the tech age that we are, we innovate. What better use to put the 2mp webcam to than using it as a real time mirror!

After a fortnight, we've kinda settled down. We've fallen into a routine and have a list made out of all the required things..Namely, a mirror, an electric kettle or cooker(to get warm water to gorge on those MTR's ready to eat meals), an almirah (to dump our stuff into and get rid of all the mess scattered everywhere). There's a customary visit to the local departmental store everyday for the stuff required, initially the list consisted of brooms and mops and dish washing liquids and scrubs and detergents and stuff..
Talking of detergents!! Damn, washing clothes is one hell of a job!! i followed the instructions as it is on the back of the pack and ended up all messy and it took me more than an hour to get a few clothes washed (it was the first time in my life that i washed clothes). Plus washing clothes is one problem, there's another tension of letting them dry, the weather hasn't been the best to dry clothes you know!!

Ok, so now we have an unofficial algo to shop at the deptt store, the first stop is the biscuits counter. then we're off browsing stuff... looking at the corner with all those cold drinks and squashes and iced teas longingly.. we manage to extract ourselves from that corner without putting anything in the cart! Then its the milk products, with cheese and breads for breakfast, we're still trying out different cereals and will finally decide on one. Stuff here and stuff there and that's our shopping for the day!

yea, we've finally stuck to a mess guy for delivering dinner to our place. The dominos people now know our house very well, two weeks and two deliveries.. we're still trying our luck to get a free pizza!

Living out on your own has a lot of pros, but only if you can handle the daily chores and routines well!! we're still in beta phase and testing out! will get into a groove very soon!


Unknown said...

" Majboori ka naam Mahatma Gandhi "
Keep up the spirit ,mate ...n i m sure u will feature on the cover of "Good Housekeeping" soon ..:P !

Harry Jerry said...

Hum Honge Kaamyaab Ek Din...

Me_Engineer said...

the airtel services are at par with BSNL's...

airtel surpasses BSNL considerably boss.......

Ankur said...

that was sarcastic dude!!! i meant the airtel services are pathetic....

Me_Engineer said...

i luv airtel. it is the best thing in the world.

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