Tuesday, July 22

Phones apart!

this is wat i was doing the other night till 4 in the morning...taking apart my old nokia 3200, and that was just the beggining.. in the end.. even the microphone embedded in the chipset had been removed!! :D

P.S.- the phone worked perfectly fine after reassembling it (which turned out to be a painstaking job).


Harry Jerry said...

Now this is called...engineering!

Ankur said...

unfortunately.... our "education system" teaches no practicality of the sort... we just have to cram what are registers and cache memory and all.. ppl cant even identify a processor inside a cabinet.. but yes they've crammed that it has a cache memory and stuff!!

Harry Jerry said...


Me_Engineer said...

u r actually more vela than i am..i wud never dream to rape my n73m...

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